Heroes For Hire asked me to make a CMS, so rather than reinvent the wheel and create a CMS from scratch, I decided to create a frontend for the flat-file CMS, Stacey. Stacey is a CMS where the content is managed through the file system (so you can edit your website's content using the file system (files and folders) you can use a file manager or FTP for this), but I decided to create an interface that lets you edit your Stacey website in your web browser. Stacey uses its own markup language for storing content which is to be used on pages, so I had to create my own parser for this, so that the PHP could read the data in the content files and edit the different pieces of content in the content files. Casey is an online admin panel frontend for the flat-file Stacey 2.3.0 CMS. For information on how Stacey works, visit this link. http://staceyapp.com/how-it-works